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Thursday, April 5, 2018

Disability Movement in Maryland


Oct. 22,
VIA: @MdDDCouncil
Request for Public Comments on the Development of the 2021-2022 IACC Strategic Plan for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee wants your feedback on seven specific issues. They want to decide if federal programs and activities and/or partnership with community organizations may help address those issues.

Oct. 14,
VIA: @MdDDCouncil
Training Curriculum: Law Enforcement and People with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities

Recently revised by the Ethan Saylor Alliance Steering Committee, this downloadable curriculum is available to train law enforcement and first responders on how to appropriately and effectively interact with people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities.

Oct. 4,
Baltimore County to unveil plan requiring landlords to accept tenants with subsidized housing vouchers
It really is not fair living in HUD housing and watching new development going up all around the place you have to live since it is the only thing you can afford. Some Land Lords/managers just make it worse when they do not put moneys back into the buildings and act as you should be grateful for what you have.

Oct. 3,
The Association for Positive Behavior Support is sponsoring an online “Family Chat” on Oct. 15 at 8:30 pm. Cohosted with Parenting Special Needs, the chat will focus on improving family-school partnerships with a parent panel.

Oct. 1,
The Hospital Patient's Bill of Rights goes into effect October 1, requiring hospitals to inform patients of a list of their rights as patients MD hospitals, which are now uniform across all hospitals in the state. Read the rights here:

Sept. 26,
I wonder if this will decrease the willingness to hire PWDs since employers always are looking to get more for less. The other thing to point out to employers is that we already have insurance. I wonder of other regulations will change too, because the more income a PWD has other services decrease and rent goes up. It is just an unless cycle of never being able to get a head.

June 21,
Baltimore Metropolitan Region Fair Housing Survey
The Baltimore region is currently conducting a study about residents’ housing needs and experiences living, working, or going to school in the region. 
This survey is an important part of improving housing choices. It is not associated with a ballot issue or political poll. It is expected that the survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. At the end of the survey you can enter a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card!   

 Jan. 29, 2018.
Lessons Learned is a day long opportunity to hear about the initial results from this 5 year statewide research effort to improve education and employment outcomes for youth on SSI. 

Dec. 5,
When: Thursday, December 6th at 11am-1pm
Where: Severn Library; 2624 Annapolis Rd, Severn, MD 21144

The Self-Directed Advocacy Network of Maryland (SDAN) is a support and advocacy resource for the nearly 1100 people self-directing their services through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA). SDAN welcomes all community members who have an interest in fostering the self-directed services option and works to connect people who are currently self-directing 
to the community around them.

Oct. 25,
You can VOTE! Learn all about overcoming voting barriers for people with disabilities with @Tuesdaywithliz. Liz discusses how to get to the polls and how early voting might be the right option for you. #policy4all #DisabilityVote18

Sept. 18, 
The @Orioles will become the first team in American professional sports history to incorporate Braille lettering into their gameday uniforms when they host @NFB_voice on Tuesday!
Sept. 6.
The EMPOWER Care Act Would Give People With Disabilities the Freedom They Deserve

Sept, 5
ADAPT, ACLU, and NCIL are here to support the Empower Care Act that is being addressed during today's Energy and Commerce Committee hearing. The Empower Care Act is a bill that will extend which helps fund nursing home transition across our nation to

Sept. 4
 Maryland Developmental Disabilities Council shared an event.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 5 at 10AM, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health will hold a hearing on the EMPOWER Care Act (S. 2227/H.R. 5306), which would reauthorize the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program for the next 5 years.
The Money Follows the Person program has allowed 75,000 seniors and people with disabilities access services that allow them to leave institutions and live in the community.
Disability rights organizations are inviting activists to join them at 9AM tomorrow at the Capitol South Metro stop (corner of 1st and D Streets, SE) where you can get a "HOMES NOT INSTITUTIONS" t-shirt, and then walk to Rayburn House Office Building for the hearing to show your support for the MFP program. 

Aug. 29
Hussman Center for Adults with Autism

Aug. 14,
University of Maryland announces new center for students with disabilities 

May 25,

Maryland parents battle with school districts to get special education services for their children

April 5,

Maryland legislature must scramble to help quadriplegic man from Bethesda, who faces losing his job because of MD law.

Together We Can Make A Difference! Please support Maryland's SB 660 and HB 1280 Bills. Time is running out. These bills will help ensure that WORKING PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES CAN KEEP BOTH THEIR NURSING SERVICES AND THEIR PAYCHECK.
STATUS UPDATE: SB 660 unanimously passed the Senate finance committee. HB 1280 is held up in the HGO committee and needs to be voted out ASAP identical to the recently approved amendments within SB 660 bill. HB 1280 must be identical to SB 660 and not include any new house amendments creating additional legislative delays.

To assure this happens, please email or call Chairwoman Shane Pendergrass ( & 410-841-3139) of the HGO committee and Speaker of Delegates Michael Busch ( & 410-841-3800) asking both of them to pass an identical HB 1280 bill that is identical to the approved SB 660 bill and approved SB 660 amendments.

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