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Monday, April 29, 2024

My Thoughts 2024

My Thoughts 2024
Official Site

August 13,
I have been a Democrat since the age of 18, as soon as I could register to vote. Why be part of a party or group if you do not fully believe in what they stand for? It was in March when I re-registered as a non-affiliation. It was another false label people put next to my name without taking the time to understand my thoughts.

May 10,
JB has been my PCA for over one and ½ years; the other week, a couple of his friends took a cruise. This gave him the idea for us to take a cruise; maybe I could jump on a ship and get a gig doing drunken painting!!!

April 19,
Another item checked off my bucket list!!!!! Whoooooo Hooooooo!!!!

April, 29
How can a college campus be private property when you pay enormous amounts of money to attend? War is not the answer; nobody ever wins at war!!!!!

A few bad seeds can kill the whole Orchard. This is why I do not participate in mass protests. I am 51 and still trying to get my voice heard as an individual. However, I do respect the right to protest appropriately.


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